In the local News Paper in Tamil, Dhinamalar, today a news has been reported about the MInister's statement telling at the venue of free dhothi and sarries distribution that people come in cars to avail the free schemes of Chief Minister and it seems as if the statement made is sarcastic hitting the sensitivities of the middle class.
The Ministers may be advised to talk with more caution when they make talks in the public.Even free TVs were collected by the middle class who came to receive using their cars.Besides CM did not show any discrimination in distributing the TVs and being distributed to all the sections of society. May be giving the free TVs to one all is another debatable matter, this local Minister can be restrained to comment on the public who come to receive the same in cars.And one thing is discernible, rather the Minister himself is not for giving something free to one and for all.
I have noticed for the Kalaignar Insurance scheme, so many people came in cars to get the card of Insurance.Well,Govt should certainly think and reconsider whether the upper-middle and rich class need such schemes.
On the other hand Coimbatore corporation is trying to raise the drinking water tax and the deposit for the water tap connection , which if diligently calculated , the poor class and lower middle class are going to pay through the nose.The poor class who live in the low - rented houses , where may be only one connection being used for many families, the rent will be increased by the house owner , so directly all the so-called poor and lower middle class is going to be penalized for no fault of theirs.
Once even Corporation was attempting to collect money for collecting the wastes everyday from the houses thereby wanting to make 30 rupees per month, in addition to collecting house tax etc.
Milk price has been already raised- reason given when everything goes up , milk producers want due rates for the produce. Well, right .
Can we say the poor class children will have the required milk everyday, only option for the lower middle and poor class is reduce the consumption , which is the order of the day in every household for anything and everything.
How badly the lower class is hit by the insensitive schemes may not be addressed by the media, since the poor class is not their target audience.
The graphic detail of the poor class is hit by the spiraling prices of vegetables and the eating habits is comprehensible if you are able to watch the health and growth of the children attending the Municipal, corporation and Panchayath schools.Spend sometime in front of these schools and see the pathetic conditions of these children and the school's convenience inside the buildings.
Long term goal is not distributing free tvs,rice,dhitis, sarries, insurance schemes. What we need to concentrate in case we really are interested in the future generation is improving the schools with facilities, increase or fill up the vacancies of teachers, ameliorating the infrastructure of the Govt Hospitals with medicines,spending money on the drinking water supply to the poor , electrification , drainage facilities, employability [ skill development of the poor class according to the requirements of society] of the poor, trying to control the habit of drinking of the labor class. Taking data from the poor class ladies as to what are the real sufferings they undergo everyday in the society and in the family and what are the lacunae they feel in running the family.Unless this kind of strategy is adapted , the democracy will be at stake owing to non inclusive so-called development.
Free of everything , for the election point of you will not be appreciated by the succeeding generation and the name and reputation of what being generated in the present scenario will be disgusting to the future generation once reality strikes hard on the face of monumental blunders.
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